Journalist, Political Reporter, Cultural Critic, Editor/Proofreader
Alex V. Henderson
Philadelphia, PA
January 25, 2018
How Is America Better Than Australia?
January 25, 2018
Alex Henderson, Periodista and Technical Writer
The United States beats Australia in a number of ways.
#1: Medical bankruptcy. If you suffer a major illness and want to lose your life savings, your house, your car and everything else you own, there’s no place like The Banana Republic of America.
#2: Mass incarceration. The Banana Republic of America locks up more of its people, per capita, than any other country in the world. And thanks to the failed War on Drugs and the evils of The Prison/Industrial Complex, prison gangs have grown by leaps and bounds.
#3: Forced birth. Not only does The Banana Republic of America have religious fundamentalist extremists (Christian jihadists) declaring war on contraception, but also, women seeking abortions as a result of unplanned pregnancies can have the “pleasure” of being threatened and harassed by rednecks who long for the good ol’ days of witch burning.
#4: Obesity, and all the health problems that go with it.
#5. Lower life expectancy. Australians are outliving Americans.
#6. Maternal death. A woman is more likely to die in childbirth or shortly after childbirth in The Banana Republic of America than in Australia (or Europe, New Zealand or Japan).
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
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Alex V. Henderson
Philadelphia, PA